Emergency Procedures and Information

Emergency Procedures and Information

UBC Okanagan is encouraged to participate in ShakeOut BC on October 20 at 10:20 a.m. by practicing “Drop, Cover and Hold”…

Sustainable Community Development Internal Grant Forum

On the October 26, the Okanagan Sustainability Office is celebrating, discussing and sharing outcomes from three successful research projects awarded from this internal grant! More

Sustainable Transportation

Reducing emissions from transportation is becoming easier at UBC’s Okanagan campus. Behaviour change initiatives like the UPass program, anti-idling, car-pooling and electric vehicle charging stations offer faculty, staff and students sustainable transportation options. The introduction of the City of Kelowna ProPass program offers faculty and staff a reduced rate on their monthly bus pass. MORE>

Seasonal Influenza Vaccine

“When it’s flu time, don’t get caught! Protect yourself with a $5.00 shot!”  Plus a donation for the Student Food Bank Health, Safety & Environment in partnership with Health & Wellness & the School of Nursing, are coordinating the seasonal influenza clinics for the campus community this year. The flu shot will be offered to […]

Progressive Storm Water Handling Creates Unique Pond Habitat

      Cleaner water, a healthy new pond habitat, and a natural-looking amenity are among the benefits of UBC’s ongoing commitment to progressive storm water handling on the Okanagan campus. Since 1991, campus storm water has been directed to a small, artificial retention pond with a sealed liner bed on the east side of […]

Expansion of HSE’s Occupational Health Program

Occupational Health Program set to launch in June Can the workplace impact employees’ health? Can employees’ health impact the workplace? Health, Safety and Environment is launching a new Occupational Health Program (OHP) in June. The program — a series of proactive strategies to eliminate or minimize health risks associated with exposure to blood and body […]

Welding Safety Seminar

Your Invited! Welding Safety Seminar (free, 1-day, in the ballroom, June 1st) – Partnership between WorkSafeBC, Acklands Grainger, and HSE.  Open to the community.  See http://www.ubc.ca/okanagan/hse/__shared/assets/welderssafety25150.pdf to register.


More than 1,000 students from seven faculties and schools will graduate during five ceremonies on June 9 and 10 at the sixth Convocation of UBC’s Okanagan campus. 2011 marks the first class of Human Kinetics graduates. Ceremony schedules and further details can be found at http://www.ubc.ca/okanagan/graduation/welcome.html.