Carri Lawrence, Finance Operations Director is responsible for financial operations including payroll, grant and contract financial management, and purchasing and paying for goods and services & UBCO Operational Excellence.
Robert Einarson, Associate Vice-President of Finance and Operations ensures UBC’s Okanagan campus is a special place to learn, live and work. This portfolio manages the physical and financial side of the campus.
Shannon Dunn, Director of Business Operations oversees Residence Administration, Residence Life, Housing Operations & Services, Food Services, Conferences and Accommodation, Parking Services and the Bookstore.
Valerie Nichol, Integrated Planning & Chief Budget Officer of Finance is responsible for supporting the University’s mission through long range financial planning, financial advice and effective resource allocation strategies.
Shelley Kayfish, Director of Campus Operations and Risk Management and her team make up a diverse unit consisting of Central Receiving and Campus Mail, Campus Security, Facilities Management, Project Services and Risk Management Services.

Ben Johnson, Director of Campus Planning is responsible for leading and managing the Okanagan campus’ planning functions including long and short-term planning, capital program planning, public realm, municipal infrastructure, operational sustainability, transportation planning and community engagement.

Aaron Mogerman, Director of Infrastructure Development is responsible for leading and managing the campus’ infrastructure development function, which includes the project planning, design, construction, renewal and renovation of campus facilities and physical infrastructure.
Todd Zimmerman, Associate Director of IT Engagement Services represents and incorporates the local requirements of the Okanagan Campus into the overall services provided by UBC IT. Todd also provides leadership for Audio Visual, Web & Application, IT Procurement and the Studios teams on the Okanagan campus.
Anthony Knezevic, Associate Director oversees IT infrastructure and day to day IT operations for the Okanagan campus. Anthony provides leadership for network services, enterprise architecture, systems, storage, telecommunications, desktop architecture, helpdesk and desktop support.
Carri Lawrence, Finance Operations Director is responsible for financial operations including payroll, grant and contract financial management, and purchasing and paying for goods and services & UBCO Operational Excellence.
Robert Einarson, Associate Vice-President of Finance and Operations ensures UBC’s Okanagan campus is a special place to learn, live and work. This portfolio manages the physical and financial side of the campus.